Why Clean Water Matters
Why does clean water matter? As a short term medical missionary I have traveled to multiple regions around the globe and witnessed the devastating effects that result from the consumption of contaminated water. The unnecessary suffering and death caused by unclean water is appalling. Emaciated children, young adults too weak to contribute to their families and the elderly enduring slow, agonizing deaths all share the hapless commonality of consuming unclean water. The numbers of effected people are staggering.
We at Thirsty Lands, Inc. aspire to change that. Every human being deserves clean water. Our goal is to reach as many people groups as possible with water filtration that will eliminate preventable causes of water borne illnesses. Thirsty Lands, Inc. researches and sources the most advanced technology in water filtration. We purchase and distribute water filters that treat water for bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, metals, trace pharmaceuticals, and chemicals as well as additional harmful substances.
Our mission is to go into all the earth and provide clean, safe drinking water to the world. Thirsty Lands, Inc. desires to partner with others who care about those suffering and dying unnecessarily from unclean water.
Can we count on you to join us in our vision in which everyone has equal access to reliable and safe water?
In America, 2 million people are without access to cleanwater.Dirty water causes 7.15 million illnesses, 118,000 hospitalizations, and 6,630 deaths.
Globally, an estimated 771million (1 in 10) people are without access to clean water.Causing 1.2 million deaths and 71.7 million disability-adjusted life years.
In every country, community and tax bracket, there are people in desperate need of clean, safe water.
In every disaster be it an earthquake, environmental spill, or hurricane there is an immediate water crisis. We can help those closest to us with safe drinking water.